Category Archives: Astrological and Human Design Forecasts

Election 2012 and Mercury Retrograde

Election 2012 and Mercury Retrograde

Well here we are. Election day is tomorrow and there will be a blessed silence on many people’s phones and front door bells. Much has been written by astrologers about the fact that Mercury, planet of cognition, communication, counting, and things local will be turning retrograde at 6pm Eastern time tomorrow(Nov 6, 2012). There have been many predictions of doom and gloom, confusion and deception, and general chaos for finding out the actual outcome. Many of those writers have the thought that it may not be truly clear who won and who lost till Mercury again turns direct on Nov 26th or perhaps even later when it comes out of the retrograde “shadow”(where it began it’s retrograde) on Dec 14th.

A few weeks ago I was asked about this and had my own perspective on it. Today I got the internal push to share it with others. Before I do so though I’ll put this disclaimer out about my own personal bias and internal setting. In my own astrological chart I have Venus, North Node, Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury all making a closer or slightly looser conjunction to my 0 degree Scorpio Sun so I have a certain kind of innate optimism that rarely relates to the mutually-agreed-upon reality of circumstances surrounding any given issue. What I got a few weeks ago was that with Mercury still direct for most of election day and in fact relatively motionless from the Earth’s perspective and so exerting the most powerful influence(or reflecting the collective’s intense attention and the idea of everything coming to a halt for this moment) the message delivered would actually be one that is surprisingly clear and powerful. The winners in this election will be clear winners without ambiguity and a clear direction results(even if that direction is one of going backwards or the undoing of what was accomplished during the last 4 years).

Certainly there will be much attention to what led up to this result and what resources, techniques and devices were employed with the idea of re-evaluation and improvement for next time. The fact that the tabulation of votes will be done completely under the very start of a Mercury retrograde does certainly imply that the final results aren’t clear for a time, get mis-stated, or that some adjustment ends up being made before things are clear so it behooves everyone to not get too wound up about the initial results and to refrain from losing your mind at any time in the process.

Beyond the details of this election I have some other thoughts and musings which again play out of my own internal setting. No matter who gets elected president(a largely ceremonial position at this time in our history) and takes over control of the house and senate there are a few indisputable winners. The black-ops cabal of corporate, military industrial and financial powers-that-be continue to gain more power and influence while the common individual loses autonomy, prosperity and civil rights. This will continue to be the case as long as so-called Republican presidents and congress pass and sign laws that diminish the rights of the individual and so-called Democratic presidents and legislatures continue to endorse and make permanent these same changes. This will continue as long as the highest court in the land makes rulings that declare inanimate corporations to be “people” and awards them the same rights of “freedom of speech” resulting in unregulated wealth going into political action groups that have no oversight, accountability or any attachment to truth or the betterment of society. This will continue as long as politicians are not subject to term limits and there are no regulations on the money a political race can spend thus pressuring them into the bias of what gets them re-elected and who pays for the next campaign. This will continue until we as people band together in non-partisan nondenominational groups that provide the social pressure and education that gets a different idea elected to power.

It is interesting to me that this Mercury retrograde that is nearly upon us happens in the Human Design chart in the Sacral(life-force energy) center and specifically in gate 34 which is the gate of Great Power the only non-sexual gate in the Sacral center. Will we as individuals take the time to re-examine where our power lies, where we give it over to others and what we are using it for? With Saturn having just arrived in Scorpio there is great energy for us to recognize what is real and see who has their hands on the hidden wheels of power, what needs to be changed and putting the work into the transformation of that power and authority. There is also an equal amount of energy that is going into the the effort to retain, stabilize and increase this power by those already holding it. By next year Pluto will have moved into gate 38 in the Root center. 38 is the gate of Opposition and is part of a channel of human rights.

No matter the outcome of tomorrow’s election we all have a great deal of work to do over the next 2 1/2 years both in our public and private lives. That work will be more about paying attention to our own truths and banding together with others who share our perspectives rather than depending on someone else in a place of power to do the work for us. We will have to identify and actively oppose those principals that from our own perspective do not bring us or our society forward into greater health and vitality regardless of party affiliation, racial or economic background or religion. Will we do it? My internal setting is always set on yes we will. That’s where I’m casting my real vote and I’m looking around for people/groups/places to put my energy that are on that same trajectory. Who are you voting for and what are you going to do about it?


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Harvesting the Wheat

Currently in the early evening Western sky you can witness bright fixed star Spica, the tip of the wheat stalk in the constellation of the Virgin Priestess, and slightly above her Saturn while just off to the side is Mars. During the next few days Mars will cut between Saturn and Spica metaphorically separating the wheat from the chaff. Simplifying, getting to the basics, harvesting the fruits of your labors(making pesto or red sauce or applesauce), presenting your gifts to the world all in good order now… Oh yes and with Mars and Saturn coming together into conjunction right now there are options of responsible disciplined action and the feeling of driving forward with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake among the possibilities. While we can’t always choose what happens we can choose whether to enjoy the ride or not.


The Pluto Uranus Sun T-Square from the Human Design Perspective

ImageJune 29, 2012 we had the exact T-Square of Uranus squaring the opposition of the Sun and Pluto at 8 degrees of Aries(Uranus), Cancer(Sun), and Capricorn(Pluto). From the Human Design perspective the exact T-Square puts Uranus in the 5th line of Ajna/mind gate 17 – Sabian symbol  “A crystal gazer“, Pluto in the 5th line of Root center gate 58 – Sabian “An angel carrying a harp”  and the Sun in the 5th line of the Root center gate 52 – Sabian – “A tiny nude miss reaching into the water for a fish“.

Uranus in the Ajna sparking revolution and lightning bolts of mental insight to the themes of the 17 which is often referred to as Following. I resonate to what Hillary Barrett, in her translation of the I-Ching, says at the beginning of the 17; “How are things flowing, and how can you move with them? Where are you being guided?” How well this goes with the whole crystal gazer image! The line itself, again from Hillary, “As you move with change, ask yourself what you value most highly, and hold to that through all the upheaval(Pluto in the Root). Good fortune comes of being true to your achievements and confident in your path’s unfolding”. I might add to this the question “what mental constructs, opinions, so-called facts and logic are you following without question?”

Pluto in the Root(what makes me feel secure and relaxed and what makes me get up off my butt to take care of because my survival depends on it. What time pressure am I feeling) in the gate of Joyous Vitality or as Hillary names it Opening. From her intro to the 58; “How can you fully enjoy the moment? What are you bringing to expression? What if you communicated and exchanged more freely?” The line itself “You place your trust in something unreliable, with risks you’re quite unaware of. You might be forfeiting your authority and autonomy here(Pluto in Capricorn) Perhaps, to move to a new level of experience, you might need to open yourself more…but this is a dangerous idea if it leads you to surrender control. Where are you placing your trust, and why.” This relates directly to what my friend Christopher wrote to me about the absurdity of clinging to the past at this point in our evolution. You can’t be present and open to what the moment brings and clinging to the past at the same time. The angel and harp imagery here speaks to me of letting go of past attachments through listening to the music of angelic presence calling us to rise above our circumstances and dance with joy but also to be very sure of who’s playing the tune we are dancing to

The Sun in the Root in the gate of Mountain or Stillness. I love this hexagram because, to me, it speaks of being perfect as is in the moment, nothing else is needed, coming from a centered place before going any place else. The Sabian says much the same to me. The “tiny miss” is nude so is showing all she is to the world without costume, mask or vanity. From this place of reveal she is reaching for the nourishment she needs, the fish. Again I love Hillary’s opening to this hexagram “what if there were nothing you had to do now? What if there were nowhere else you had to be? Where is your inner point of balance?” the 5th line: “When you still your jaws, you give yourself time to pause and reflect before using words – in speech or in thought. You don’t blurt things out in reaction, or leap to conclusions, or make unfounded decisions. Instead your words, spoken or unspoken, have order: they are in harmony with your intent, and they move in clear sequence, observing what does and doesn’t follow from their starting point. They set experience in a large context, providing a sound foundation for the growth of understanding – something more than just reacting to circumstances. And so regrets for what has gone unresolved and unfulfilled gradually vanish away.”

To me these 3 aspects which initiate a theme that will last till the next exact Sun-Pluto-Uranus T-Square on September 28th regarding the tension involved in the revolution of thinking, letting our inner guidance show us the pathway, and the process of opening up at the root to see what must be let go of and revolutionized without burning down the house in order to save it. The Sun casts it’s warm blessing glow on doing this from a place of naked vulnerability and transparency, balance, centered stillness reaching for what we truly need to continue rather than heated reaction that keeps us holding on, from a sense of lack, to what is no longer useful and is only weighing us down.



Pluto, Uranus and the Voting Rights Act

I find this story(Texas republican party platform calls for repeal of Voting Rights Act) very interesting especially in light of our current Pluto/Uranus square. The Voting Rights Act was adopted in 1965 as Pluto and Uranus came together into conjunction. This was a revolutionary period where the forces of power and freedom came into conflict and compromise and many movements of liberation were born. Now we are at the opening square of this conjunction so there is a “crisis of identity” happening for all those revolutions that began in the mid-60’s. Who are we as people, as a nation, as a world? This next 3 years, between now and 2015, while the 7 exact squares of Pluto and Uranus play themselves out will answer that question. I’m voting for liberation and experimentation continuing to prevail but it’s gonna be a mighty bumpy road getting there and we will all have to answer the question in our own lives as well.


Human Design Update: Focus, Determination, Triumph. Make It Happen.

During this current period of time when all the planets but Pluto and Saturn are moving forward and the Human Design transits are hooking up the energy to move forward and get busy(see previous post) there is another small 5-day window of opportunity opening up beginning on April 25th. On the 25th Mercury moves into the Heart center hooking up with a very out of bounds Venus(see other previous post) in the Throat lighting up a channel of manifestation.

This is a great time to focus on something you want, visualize it happening, tell the world, gather up your team or tribe and go for a dream. It isn’t very often that willpower energy is activated to the center of manifesting in words or deeds so make the most of it. If you have something you’ve been cooking up this window is a perfect time to push it forward and make it happen. Because the Heart center is also the center of ego and competitive drive we may find the shadow of competitive aggressiveness(politics anyone?) egoic boastfulness and status-tripping happening too. Hopefully you’ll be seeing it in someone other than yourself but this may also be a good time to check your ego at the door and concentrate on what will help you out by supporting your team. Now go out there and play nice!

For information about Astrological, Human Design or combination readings visit my website by clicking here


Ladies and gentlemen start your engines!

Ladies and gentlemen start your engines!

Mars and Mercury are in direct motion and tomorrow marks the start of a major Human Design transit that will push the whole world into gear through the summer and into the last few days of August(Aug 28). If you feel like you’ve been spinning your wheels you are just about to get some major traction so take aim at your goals and GO! The only problem over the summer is taking on too much and having too much easy access to instinctual reactive energy. This aspect combined with the first exact square of Pluto and Uranus will really push the world to revolutionize and move forward or dig it’s heels in and try to stick with the old, secure, and comfortable. I’m voting for inspired revolution and forward progress. Just remember to use the brakes before you hit the wall. And carry an umbrella but keep the lightning rod at a safe distance. xox


Venus out of bounds, annular eclipse of the Sun, and the rebirth of Venus, Mars, and Mercury


Every 584 days Venus rises anew in the morning sky denoting a rebirth in her journey. Currently we are witnessing the final days of the last cycle which began in Scorpio and which will begin anew in Gemini on June 27. Venus is doing many rare things in the time between now and then. She’s currently beginning her journey as far out of bounds(outside the ecliptic path of the Sun) as it’s possible for her to go.


At her greatest she will be at 27.8(27degrees 49′) more than 4 degrees North of where the Sun can rise or set. That will be May 4th at 22 Gem, sabian: Three Fledglings In A Nest High In A Tree. The next time she will be this far out of bounds will be 2239. Then she will come back south into the ecliptic plane just in time to transit across the face of the Sun on June 5th. In ancient cultures Venus making a transit across the Sun foretold of the fall of empires so I find the Walker recall(Gov of Wisconsin) election date being the same day as the Venus transit very witty.


To add even more spice to this time period we will also be treated to an annular eclipse of the Sun on May 20th, also in Gemini, which will be visible in parts of the Western United States. Annular eclipses are when the Moon moves in between the Earth and Sun but the Moon’s distance from the Earth allows for a ring of fire to be seen around the disk of the Moon at the height of the eclipse. Here is a link to see where you can go to be able to see this eclipse. I’ll be lucky enough to be able to see it from my yard as will many of you. The time period from now until the Venus transit across the Sun, also visible in the U.S. is packed with opportunities to open ourselves to and see many great events in the sky.


When I was down at Daniel Giamario’s last week attending a workshop with the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School we thoroughly discussed the Venus, Mars, and Mercury cycles and one of the ideas that came up which I really liked was the thought of Venus being so far out of bounds as a call for, and reflection of, out-of-the-box creativity. It certainly seems that this current rare Venus saga is calling for, shedding light upon,  and supporting a resurgence of the feminine. May it be.


In related research Gary Caton has done some great work with what happens when Mercury’s retrograde conjunction to the Sun happens at or near the Aries point(0 Aries). Seems over the last 125 years each time this has happened there has been a major shift and breakthrough with manifestations of the feminine. The first female elected to political office, the first woman in a presidential cabinet, women getting the right to vote, etc. here is a link to Gary’s blog article. This feels very pertinent in this year when so much political effort is being exerted in trying to curtail the rights of women and voter suppression of the very groups that seem always to have the least amount of influence and power anyway.


Lastly I find it very interesting and somewhat reassuring in this lead up to the first of 7 exact Pluto/Uranus squares between(June 2012) that Venus, Mars, and Mercury all are getting reborn in mutable signs(well perhaps not Mercury depending on what formula one uses- Gary’s formula would place the current rebirth of Mercury in Aries which is also a provocative thought). With Venus and Mars both having their rebirth in Mercury-ruled signs I like the image of the creative ability to expose and adjust to new information(Gemini), focusing on new ideals and mystical connections(Pisces) and finding ways for practical implementation of those adjustments(Virgo) in healing and beneficial ways. Will Venus’ transit across the Sun finally pop the huge toxic mortgage bubble the banks have continued to hide from public view(yes, it is still there even though some of it has been brought forward there is so much more still to come)? Perhaps, but it seems there will be creative minds ready to pitch in and make sense of what comes after. If one uses Gary’s formula for the seed-point of rebirth being the retrograde conjunction to the Sun then Mercury’s new 120 day journey begins with Aries emphasizing the initiating importance of the message, the information, and going forward with bold new ideas.


This is what’s been swirling around in my head the last few weeks. I’ve been going out under the stars at night to watch the grand procession of Jupiter, Venus with the Pleiades, Mars signalling to her from the East and then later in the night Saturn’s current pas de deux with Spica blessing the dark velvet sky until dawn. It’s good to look up and see that we do have so many to watch over us and commune with at this time in the story. So interesting to see how it all unfolds.


Pulling Back the Curtain on 2012

Pulling Back the Curtain on 2012

2012: The Pluto/Uranus square and a year of mutability.

But first finishing up some old business.

Jupiter in Taurus June 4, 2011 – June 11, 2012 (written last year)
I think Jupiter coming into Taurus is likely to further expand all the issues of how we take care of the earth herself and what is truly valuable to us. There is no future if we continue to destroy the ground we walk on and I think these issues will get bigger and bigger over the next year. Financially I also think that there is money to be made by investing in creative green technologies that help to decontaminate, conserve, or enhance the fertility of the Earth. With Pluto in Capricorn making a trine aspect to Jupiter, both in earth signs, I think a combination of opportunity and crisis may drive us all further forward into a new future that takes care of the earth than we might believe possible at the beginning of this time. It may not be pretty getting there but it may become quite obviously necessary. . .

In our own lives Jupiter in Taurus will ask us which opportunities we grabbed in 2010-2011 while it was transiting activist Aries still hold enough magic for us to continue to put the concerted effort forth and keep growing and thriving? What will we let go of and put into the compost heap? Not all the new things we started have staying power in the long run but some of them surely are gems. This is a good time to begin to consider which ones bring us pleasure, feed us, feel creative, and nurture our community.

Saturn in Libra until Oct 5, 2012
This year Saturn the wise grandmother and teacher is finishing up her 2 1/2 year examination in Libra. Defining ourselves and our boundaries in our relationships and making sure that they are fair and equal, that we are getting as good as we are giving and not throwing up unnecessary blockages. Concentrating on working cooperative relationships and the ways the generations can work with and respect each other are all themes. Going through our closets and lives and deciding to keep that which is both beautiful and useful while finding a more appropriate home for the things that don’t meet this standard. In our public lives the political discourse has become so divisive and disharmonious that everyone is becoming unhappy with the lack of respectful dialog. Will we find ways to clean this up this year? Can we hold respect and space for those that see things differently than ourselves without resorting to labels that make the other less than human? Saturn continues to ask us to work on this one.

Saturn and Jupiter in the Human Design chart are defining a full channel from the Sacral(sexuality, creativity, life-force energy) to the Spleen(Physical vitality, elimination of toxins, processing intuition and fear) Feb 11 – March 4. Saturn in the 50 is testing the structure of our cooking pot while Jupiter in the 27 is opening new opportunities or exaggerating issues that are already present for us to be nourished and nourish others. A great time to do a cleanse, find a new and exciting route to better health and wellbeing, tackle an issue that has scared you in the past, share your health tips with others, take the time to feed yourself in the healthiest ways possible and share your food and food for thought with your tribe.

The new stories in 2012;
Of course the big story of 2012 is the first of 7 exact squares of Pluto and Uranus beginning on June 23. The last time Pluto and Uranus came into an energetic quadrature aspect(conjunction, opposition, or square) was in the mid-60’s. This opening square has us revisiting and renewing many of the same revolutionary themes sprouted then but this time there is a crisis of identity involved for us all. What is my part in the revolution? Where have I been the conscious or unconscious advocate of despotism and violent tyranny and where am I called to expose myself to the world as the brilliant revolutionary ready to cooperate with anyone and anything that helps the world to evolve in a peaceful and more sustainable way? There will be plenty of opportunities to rebel and violence is definitely an available or even attractive choice but may only result in the same tyranny under another name. Destruction is an easy path but there is the energy of creation here too. Making the more difficult choice to make repairs or build something new may turn out to be the more productive one.

At the same time this first square is building up there is a big activation in the Human Design chart. Uranus will have progressed from the gate of Innocence in the directional and divine love G or Self Center to the Ajna mind center promising many electric and perhaps shocking insights and revelations of information. Uranus in the Ajna center(gate 17 – Following – who and what are you following and flowing with?) reminds me of the image of Dorothy’s dog Toto pulling back the curtain and revealing the man behind the image of the wizard. The Moon’s Nodes will move into the 20-34 channel that moves from the Sacral(sexual and creative energy, life-force) to the Throat(manifesting in words or deeds) for 4 full months from mid-April to mid-August. This channel is all about Doing! As individuals we will have a great opportunity to bring many of our plans into fruition(assuming we have a plan. Mars retrograde in Virgo is definitely encouraging us to revise, rethink, and renew our planning and strategy to set us in place for going forward later in the year) The entire world will be hooked up to take action much of it from a pure gut-response. Bringing awareness and consciousness to what we find ourselves busy doing will help to keep us all from going off the tracks. It promises to be one hot, revealing, reactive and surprising summer around the world!

Neptune, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, the Moon’s Nodes and the mutability factor;
I am encouraged that along with all the reactionary and revolutionary energy abounding this year also includes a big dose of flexible, adaptable, mutable energy. We will have planets and the Nodes of the Moon making long stays in the mutable signs of Gemini(South Node until late August, Venus from early April to August, Jupiter beginning mid-June through the rest of the year), Virgo(Mars until April 15), Sagittarius(North Node until late August) and Pisces(Neptune for the next 14 years) asking us to be open to the power of words and feelings and letting things adapt and change rather than becoming rigid and unbending.

As 2012 begins Mars is retrograde in mutable Virgo until April 15. My favorite image for Mars in Virgo is the Medicine Man. We are all being guided to go within and discern what healing elixir we need for ourselves and what we may have for others. Using the early part of the year to make detailed and practical plans, or revise the ones we already have taking into account the new information being presented puts us on track for conscious progress through the rest of the year. That plan may need continuous adjustments through the year. Automatic pilot is unlikely to get us there.

Venus also makes a long stay in curious, information gathering, shape-shifting and playful Gemini. Venus in Gemini loves to learn new things and represents an attraction to new ideas and people. A busy bee who loves to sample a bit of nectar from as many flowers as possible there is the inclination to information overload. When Venus turns retrograde in Gemini in May it’s time to get back in touch with what is truly part of our own big picture and what is just amusing or fearsome distraction. Gathering together and putting forth the attractive new inspirations, ideas, and playful allies will aide our endeavors the rest of 2012 and beyond. Let’s talk!

Life is beautiful said the busy bee to the sun,
could you stay out longer so i can get more work done?
I stay out long as i do and you work hard enough bee,
now off to your comb and the making of honey.
More work won’t make it sweeter
it will just make more of it.
Do the work that you do
and do try to love it….
H. Bahr

Adding more emphasis to the exploration of information and message Jupiter moves into Gemini in June and when it does it will also make a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Discovering that you are your own wise guru filled with expansive ideas and insight is an option here but so is giving your power away to some attractive leader who promises the ideal without being able to deliver, escaping into the world of ideas without the need to do anything about any of it, or buying that snake oil that promises to remake your life, body, or relationships without the need to put any work into it. Maybe option 1?

As I sit and write this in early February 2012 Neptune dives fully into Pisces for a 14-year long swim through the ocean of the feeling realm. In Human Design Neptune will be spending almost this entire time in the Solar Plexus emotional center which guarantees that we will be connecting with deep emotion on a collective basis for an extended period of time. The last of the slow, outer planets to change sign over the last several years Neptune in Pisces dreams of compassionate connection to all of life, to something greater than the small and lonely I, to discovering happiness through helping others and the planet especially the oceans, to finding our own way through acts of faith though we can not see clearly where they may lead or where we are going. Neptune knows that there is no 99% pitted against the 1% but only all of us together dreaming as one. May our inner mystic awaken to see the love amidst the passion play of difference and division and the perfection of being present and available in every moment.

To me 2012 is a year that is filled with excitement and promise. The end of the Mayan calendar yes but that end is like the odometer on a vehicle. Once you get to the end it all rolls over and begins again. This brings to mind a quote from Shunryu Suzuki: “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities but in the expert’s there are few”. May we all begin again to see things a new way.

For Astrological, Intuitive, Human Design or combination readings offering counseling, insight and guidance into your own journey through 2012 please contact Hal via or by sending an email to or by calling 541.897.0512.

As always my great thanks to my friends Caroline Casey, Christopher Emmer, Dena DeCastro, Daniel Giamario, and Kim Gould who inform and inspire me and encourage me to take it to the streets with love.


November 2011 Astro-Human-Design Outlook

Transforming flesh and spirit. Samhain.
November brings with it the essence of Yang and Yin represented by the dualities of outward action and inner receptivity. We are moving deeply into Fall. The Sun in Scorpio spends the early part of the month in the ultimate Yang hexagram of The Creative while the Earth occupies the opposite spot in the all-Yin hexagram of The Receptive. There is a sensual creative glow around us that also invites us inside. What we desire, who and how we love and just what we do about it all plays the major theme for the month. On November 22nd the Sun enters Sagittarius and begins the outbound quest for more beautiful truth. Discover something big to believe in, explore, and talk about. Revolution is all around us and the seed is growing inside us too.

From an astrological perspective this month continues the 6-week long stroll of Mercury and Venus hand in hand through the sign of Scorpio and into Sagittarius asking us to join head and heart in brilliant loving union. This long, rare conjunction happens only about every 40 years and hasn’t been visible in the United States’ night sky for much longer. Over the last few weeks there has been great potential for understanding what we really deeply desire and wish to transform in our relationships and creative expression. Now as they enter Sagittarius on Nov 2nd and trine Uranus it’s all about taking the time to explore and expand our vision, share our story and beliefs with each other, and speak our truth. Nov 13 -14 they make a conjunction with the North Node of the Moon at the same part of the sky as a mysterious galactic anomaly called The Great Attractor. This is a great time for creating your own unique ceremony for bringing heads and hearts together with not only our personal destiny but our greater galactic destiny as well. Later in the month, Nov 23, Venus will continue her quest through Sagittarius while Mercury will begin to retrograde turning away from it’s pursuit of bright Venus and heading back to early Sagittarius. The inspired insights, actions, and changes made in late October through mid-November will then go through a necessary period of integration, revision, and adjustment that asks that we refine our goals that guide us into 2012.

Here is a link to read more about The Great Attractor from Phillip Sedgewick.

Larger ongoing themes reflected by Pluto in Capricorn demand transformation of our inner and outer authority and structures. What gets us up off our collective butts?

Uranus in Aries’ cry “I gotta be me!” That me is a brand new me with a higher level of consciousness and connection to universal love.

Neptune continues traveling back in Aquarius to glean the final harvest of creative compassionate connection to the collective dreams, desires, and ideals of the community. From the Human Design perspective the last two years’ Neptune transit has been provoking great emotional upheaval and potential for growth and healing as it continues over the next few years.

Chiron the teacher, in Pisces, finds ways to help us swim within the collective emotional wound to our feelings of abundance. Healing feelings of insecurity and lack gives us the magic to heal it for others.

Saturn in Libra continues to judge whether our actions and relationships are fair and balanced maturing the ones that don’t meet the reality test. In it’s travel through the Human Design chart we are processing and cleansing the toxic uptake from our environment, reinforcing our physical vitality and psychic boundaries, and taking small steps to change what is no longer healthy.

Jupiter in Taurus wants it all to feel good, be nourishing and sensual, or else we might just get stubborn about the whole thing! Through Nov 24th Jupiter is in a lusty Human Design gate amping up the sensual mating drumbeat and calling for expansion through pleasure and possible overindulgence.

This month Mars strides purposefully through the end of look-at-me Leo and into receptive, discerning and heal-or-fix-it Virgo for a 7 month stay performing the rituals of healing what’s been damaged or broken by elitism and entitlement. Or trying as hard as possible, perhaps breaking a few things in the process. Oh well, more to fix.

November Lunations:
Primal urges are strong. There is a great enticement to move forward but also the need to move with consciousness and loving care else our best intentions stumble and fall. On Nov 10th the full moon at 18 Taurus(Sabian symbol – A newly formed continent) also joins with the Earth in the 2nd hexagram suggesting we use this light to be receptive to seeing what we’ve created and the ground we are now standing on. With Mars entering into Virgo on this same day the essence seems to say be present, observe, discern, receive the guidance about what feels good and what systems might need to be adjusted. The new moon on Nov 24th which is also Thanksgiving and a partial solar eclipse at 2 degrees Sagittarius (Sabian symbol – A young child learning to walk) speaks to taking baby steps in new directions and holding to inner truth without regard for popular opinion. Learning to walk requires a few tumbles and bruises along the way. Kiss the boo-boos, ignore the teasing, and get back up again.

November Timeline:
Nov 2: Venus and Mercury move from intense transformative Scorpio into expansive Sagittarian questing adventure.
Nov 3: Saturn opposes Eris. Invite the feminine rebel into your party and consider what she has to say.
Nov 6 – 12: Samhain. Sun/ Earth move into the crossquarter points gate 1 The Creative and 2 The Receptive. Balancing Yang and Yin energy. The crossroad. Following where passion takes you.
Nov 7: Mars opposes Neptune. Connect ego to compassionate mass consciousness. Pull toward altered states. Creatively connecting to spirit. Ego erosion. Resistance can lead to feeling physically drained. Let yourself space out.
Nov 9: Neptune turns direct. What inner dreaming over the last 5 months is ready to start becoming reality?
Nov 10 Full Moon. Chiron turns direct. Mars enters Virgo moving from warrior king to medicine man.
Nov 11: See note at bottom.
Nov 12 – 16: Sun/Earth connect a full HD channel of speaking your mind. Speak truth. Surprising insights take form. Letting your inner freak express it’s brilliant self. “What did he/she just say?”
Nov 13-14: Saturn rises conjunct fixed star Spica. Mercury and Venus conjunct the Moon’s North Node and the Great Attractor. Feel the pull of your destiny. create ritual that connects and aligns your personal destiny with the greater whole. Join with the flow.
Nov 17 – 29: Mercury slips into a trickster-prone gate and turns retrograde on the 23rd. This Mercury retrograde has greater potential to be a doozy with all sorts of travel snafus, communication kerfuffles, pratfalls, and opportunity for testing out your ability to adjust, revise, reform, grin and go with the unexpectedly new flow while keeping your eyes on the truth of the story being told. Somebody could be trying very hard to make something look appealing enough for you to buy it. Keep a sharp eye, your common sense, and good humor available at all times.
Nov 20: Sun square Neptune. Double-check where you think you’re headed but enjoy where you end up.
Nov 22: Sun enters Sagittarius. After a month of inward consolidating it’s time to venture out to share the riches.
Nov 23 – 27: Sun/Earth activate another full HD channel, the busy channel, and we have a new moon solar eclipse. The urge to move, to do. Butting your head mindlessly against the fence will only damage your horns but using your wits to unlatch the gate will set you free. Try not to eat the neighbor’s roses while you’re roaming.
Nov 25 – 29: Venus activates another center and branch of this channel until Nov 29th bringing our conscious loving attention to what we’ve been doing and how we’ve been going about it. Grace notes. A good time to clean up any sudden messes. Feel and express the love. Generous Jupiter moves into the gate of Beginnings but the caution is against taking any new action right now.
Nov 29-30: Time to take a deep grateful breath, appreciate what we have and bless what we’ve let go of.

Some thoughts about 11-11-11:
Oct 28 is the date ” Mayan intellectual” Johan Calleman gave as the end of the Mayan calendar. Oct 21, Oct 28, 11-11-11, Dec 21, 2012…IMHO to put a date on the end of time is to miss the point. It’s nice the collective consciousness has picked these dates to encourage a mass shift but if you are waiting for a certain day it’s likely the bus has already pulled out of the terminal without you. Shift! Shift! Shift! Shift! Shift!


Jupiter in Taurus: June 4, 2011 – June 11, 2012

Jupiter in Taurus: June 4, 2011 – June 11, 2012

I think Jupiter coming into Taurus is likely to further expand all the issues of how we take care of the earth herself and what is truly valuable to us.  There is no future if we continue to destroy the ground we walk on and I think these issues will get bigger and bigger over the next year.  Financially I also think that there is money to be made by investing in creative green technologies that help to decontaminate, conserve, or enhance the fertility of the Earth. With Pluto in Capricorn making a trine aspect to Jupiter, both in earth signs, I think a combination of opportunity and crisis may drive us all further forward into a new future that takes care of the earth than we might believe possible at the beginning of this time.  It may not be pretty getting there but it may become quite obviously necessary. . .

In our own lives Jupiter in Taurus will ask us which opportunities we grabbed in the last year while it was transiting activist Aries still hold enough magic for us to continue to put the concerted effort forth and keep growing and thriving?  What will we let go of and put into the compost heap?  Not all the new things we started have staying power in the long run but some of them surely are gems. This is a good time to begin to consider which ones bring us pleasure, feel creative, feed us, and nurture our community.